The blue dot (click image to see it) marks the Philippines, southeast of China and just north of Malaysia and Indonesia. We flew 14 hours from JFK in New York to Narita airport in Tokyo. After a short layover, we flew on to Manila, a five hour flight. On the first leg, flying a great circle route, we were over the frozen subarctic and Arctic for much of the trip: there was a forbidding view out of the window.

Map showing more detail. island of Luzon in the north, home of the capital of the Republic, Manila. The large island in the south is Mindanao, populated by a large Muslim population. The Visayan Islands are in the middle of the Philippine archipelago. Here is located the island of Panay, our final destination, as well as other islands of interest, e.g., Leyte - where MacArthur made his famous "I shall return" landing during WW II, and Cebu, former home of a large U.S. naval base.

Closer view of the region of Aklan which we visited. Locations are highlighted on the next map. Our final destination, Not quite equatorial, Banga, is 11° 38' N, 122° E. It is about ½-way around the earth. Across the International Date Line, add 13 hours to EST to get the local time in the Philippines (12 hr. when on daylight savings time).

Satellite view of Boracay just off the tip of Panay Island. Boracay is part of the province of Aklan. Andre' Salvador has posted nice pictures from the Philippines, including Boracay and other areas in Aklan. (Satellite view from Google.)